Service and AMC are offered for UPS, stabilizers, inverters, and other power products. In addition, we offer the onsite support and AMC for other manufacturers/brands of products, which greatly reduces costs for the customer by having a single vendor for multiple products at multiple locations.
ANNUAL MAINTENANCE CONTRACT (AMC) Our services include annual maintenance contracts (AMCs), along with preventive maintenance and unlimited breakdown calls during the contract term. We will charge extra for any replacement of spare parts. A comprehensive annual maintenance contract (CAMC) offers peace of mind to our customers. Along with regular AMC, all spare parts are free during the service contract period except batteries.
BATTERY REPLACEMENT SERVICES Batteries have a limited useful life, which is influenced by many factors, including age, usage, environment, and maintenance. Battery replacement is critical to minimize the likelihood of operational downtime. At Sterling, we offer replacement and installation of sealed maintenance-free (SMF) batteries, valve-regulated lead-acid (VRLA) and wet-cell (also called flooded) batteries.
STABILIZER RETROFITS AND OIL REPLACEMENT The conversion of your analog stabilizer to a digital stabilizer can save you money, improve reliability, extend the life of the stabilizer, and provide you with greater protection. The oil in oil cooled stabilizers needs to be replaced based on usage & ageing to improve the reliability of Servo Stabilizers and to get a longer life. Among the services that Sterlite offers are oil testing, oil recycling and oil replacement.
If you need power solutions for your immediate power needs or to implement a planned program, we can provide them for Hire or Rental. We offer UPS: 1KVA to 120KVA | Battery: 26Ah to 220Ah | Stabilizers: 15KVA to 45KVA After testing and commissioning, we will ensure the systems meet your deadlines and demands, then perform a complete decommissioning and removal once the project is complete.
- No fixed term: Customers may hire UPSs and generators for short, medium or long periods of time based on their needs
- Competitive pricing: Logistics and commissioning services are included in rental and hiring charges
- Timely delivery: Your products are ready to be installed in a short timeframe, thanks to high stock levels.
- Latest technologies: A future-oriented product that provides uninterrupted power supply and lowers costs.
Support and maintenance: Our expert technicians provide exemplary support in emergencies, are trained to perform preventative maintenance of products and installation so that breakages are minimized.